Team Sathagni

Our Vision

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Team Sathagni


Verticals and Horizontals development was introduced, Started cross regional development by planning, direct attendance and involvement. Regional visits were introduced to develop network since 2014 and made 50+ visits across USA and India.


Encouraged and Trained many volunteers to became leaders., current active leads were brought in 2016 including current President.


Implemented first 5 medical camps to demonstrate our reach out, 35+ events in one calendar year, activated business forums and seeded MarketWatch/FIRE in 2016.


Fundraised $350,000+ [best is $180,000 in 2018]. 5. Key contributor of 2018 National Convention Success, $100,000+ fund raised and worked for many aspects. 6. Strived against damaging integrity, legal complications and to bring back balance and harmony in 2017.

Not just event.

The Vision


APTA Pearl String - connecting community cognitive strengths.


Protect volunteers and Progressive Growth with realistic goals.


Encourage, Empower members towards inclusive leadership.


APTA India chapter & Student Alumni to build our future elegant.


What They Say
